Caitanya Caritamrta of Krsndasa Kaviraja: a translation and commentary, by Edward C. Dimock,
Edition: New Delhi
₹ 7995.00
Harvard Oriental Sr.; Vol.66
Title in ENGLISH : This book is a biography of the great Bengali Vaisnava leader Caitanya (AD 1486-1533). But it is far more than a simple biography; it is a compendium of historical fact, religious legend, and abstruse theology so complete and blended in such proportions that it is the definitive work of the religious group called Vaisnava, since the time of Caitanya the most significant single religious group in all of eastern India.
ISBN 13: 9789394852778
ISBN 10: 9394852778
Edition: New Delhi
Year: 2024
Language: ENGLISH
We undertake to publish high quality research works on Buddhism and Hinduism from scholars around the world. We have been publishing the books under the renowned Satapitaka Series Read More...
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