Aspects of Himalayan Buddhism: writings of Prof. A.W. Macdonald, foreword by Lokesh Chandra,
Edition: New Delhi
₹ 3995.00
Title in ENGLISH : A.W. Macdonald, discovered Asia through his service in Burma with the Tenth Gurkha Rifles during the Second World War. On his return to Europe with the rank of major at the exceptionally young age of 23, he settled in France where he joined the CNRS and benefited from the teaching of some of the greatest scholars in Europe, including Rolf Stein and Claude Levi-Strauss.
ISBN 13: 9789394852235
ISBN 10: 9394852239
Edition: New Delhi
Year: 2023
Language: ENGLISH
Subject(s): Geography, Buddhism
We undertake to publish high quality research works on Buddhism and Hinduism from scholars around the world. We have been publishing the books under the renowned Satapitaka Series Read More...
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