A critical edition and an annotated translation of the Akananuru (Part 1 - Kalirriyanainirai), 3 vols. by Eva Wilden (Tamil, English)
Wilden, Eva
Edition: Pondichery
₹ 3000.00
Collection Indologie Sr.; 134.I-III
Title in : Volume I: Introduction, Invocation - 50; Volume II: 51-120; Volume III: old commentary on Kalirryanainirai KV - 90 & word index of Akananuru KV - 120. The Akananuru is an anthology off four hundred long poems (12-30 lines) on love (akam) that belongs to the Eight Collections of the Classical Tamil Cankam corpus.
ISBN 13: 9788184702194
ISBN 10: 8184702191
Edition: Pondichery
Year: 2018
Is Set: Yes
Subject(s): Literature
We undertake to publish high quality research works on Buddhism and Hinduism from scholars around the world. We have been publishing the books under the renowned Satapitaka Series Read More...
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