Hariharaviracita Malatimadhavatika: Le commentaire de Harihara sur le Malatimadhava de Bhavabhuti, premiere edition par Francois Grimal, (in Sanskrit and French)
Edition: Pondicherry
₹ 810.00
Publications du Departement d'Indologie; 77
Title in : The present work is a first annotated edition of the oldest known commentary (end of 12th or early 13th cent. AD) of the Malatimadhava of Bhavabhuti (first half of 8th cent. AD). The tika is given here with the text of the play as edited by R.G. Bhandarkar. A first appendix gives the list of variants noted between the text of the Malatimadhava edited by R.G. Bhandarkar and the text as it appears through the commentary of Harihara. A second appendix provides the list of variants of the play mentioned in the commentary.
ISBN 13: 9788184700909
ISBN 10: 8184700903
Edition: Pondicherry
Year: 1999
Binding: Hardbound
Subject(s): Literature
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