Mrgendragama: sections de la doctrine et du yoga. Avec la Vrtti de Bhattanarayanakantha et la Dipika d'Aghorasivacarya, traduction, introduction et notes par Michel Hulin (French)
Edition: Pondicherry
₹ 690.00
Publications de l'Institut francais d'Indologie; 63
Title in : In spite of its being a mere upagama (a secondary A.), the Mrgendra contains one of the most detailed accounts of dualistic Saiva philosophy that have come down to us. The book contains the French translation of the Sanskrit text with an introduction in French and a summary of the introduction in English.
ISBN 13: 9788184700022
ISBN 10: 8184700024
Edition: Pondicherry
Year: 1980
Subject(s): Philosophy, Texts M
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