Paniniyavyakaranodaharanakosah: the Paninian grammar through its examples, Vol.1: Udaharanasamaharah, the book of examples: 40,000 entries for a text, (in Skt. & English) (CD-ROM)
Grimal, F et al.
Edition: Pondicherry
₹ 400.00
Collection Indologie; 93.1
Title in : The dictionary of examples of Panini's grammar is intended to facilitate access to the fundamental treatise on Sanskrit grammar, the Astadhyayi of Panini. To this end, 40,000 examples contained in 4 important commentaries of the Astadhyayi, written between the 2nd and 16th centuries A.D., have been collected and anylysed.
ISBN 13: 9788184701401
ISBN 10: 8184701403
Edition: Pondicherry
Year: 2005
Binding: Hardbound
Subject(s): Linguistics
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