The Bower manuscript: facsimile leaves, Nagari transcript, romanised transliteration and Eng. tr. with notes

Edition: New Delhi

₹ 3000.00

Title in ENGLISH : This is perhaps the oldest existing manuscript on Indian medicine. It was discovered at Kucha, principal oasis of Chinese Turkestan, on the great caravan route to China. A man from Kucha dug, in anticipation of getting some treasure, in an area supposed to contain an underground city. He found only this manuscript which he sold to Lt. L H Bower who had gone there on a mission from the Government of India. Later A F Rudolf Hoernle spent 21 years on its study, (Archaeolgical Survey of India. Reports, Vol. 22, Bower Manuscript, A F R Hoernle. 1893-1912).

ISBN 13: 9788177421125

ISBN 10: 8177421123

Edition: New Delhi

Year: 2011

Language: ENGLISH

Subject(s): Literature, Ayurveda, zzz

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