Semiotica Indica: encyclopaedic dictionary of body-language in Indian art and culture, 2 vols.

Shukla, HL

Edition: New Delhi

₹ 7800.00

Title in ENGLISH : Semiotica Indica is the first attempt to describe the semiotica of Indian culture. The book is about Indian actions, how actions become gesture and how gestures transmit messages. It covers much of the literature in Sanskrit and modern Indian languages on nonverbal communication and organizes it in a fashion useful for three purposes: (a) to provide an `ancient overview' of the nonverbal communication; (b) to map nonverbal continuity in India from Bharata's time to the present day' and (c) to establish a conceptual base into which new findings may be integrated. This Encyclopaedic Dictionary is a survey of Indian semiotics from Rgvedic times to the present day sketching the theoretical (Sastra) and practical (Prayoga=loka) approaches of the leading semioticians with respect to their differing objectives: classifying the Sastra and the loka; establishing the philosophical sign system for canonical representation of human thought; devising Puranas for the creation of new ideas; gaining insight into the conditions of human knowledge; increasing the efficiency of sahitya, sangita, citra, vastu, ayurveda, jyotisa, darsana and the various branches of the arts, extending communication into agama, nigama, tantra, yonija and ayonija species.

ISBN 13: 9788173050466

ISBN 10: 8173050465

Edition: New Delhi

Year: 2022

Language: ENGLISH

Is Set: Yes

Subject(s): Fine Arts

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