Exploring India's sacred art: selected writings of Stella Kramrisch, ed. with a bibliographical essays by B.S. Miller by Stella Kramrisch and Barbara Stoler Miller

Edition: Delhi

₹ 1495.00

Title in ENGLISH : This book presents a selection of Stella Kramrisch's influential essays, along with a biographical essay. The writings collected here emphasize the cultural and symbolic values of Indian art. The first section discusses the social and religious contexts of art. This is followed by essays on various forms of ritual art. The section entitled The Subtle Body is derived from her term for the form that underlies concrete shapes; it includes studies of literary and visual symbolism. Further essays concentrate on formal and technical aspects of temple structure and painting in the context of their symbolic meaning. Over 150 illustrations, many of them prepared especially for this volume, provide a vital visual dimension to her writings. Also included is Joseph Dye's comprehensive bibliography of her works. Exploring India's Sacred Art testifies to the life and work of one of this century's greatest art scholars and provides an unparalleled source of insight into Indian art and culture.

ISBN 13: 9788120812086

ISBN 10: 8120812085

Edition: Delhi

Year: 1994

Language: ENGLISH

Binding: Hardbound

Subject(s): Fine Arts

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